Salient Features of New Industrial Policy 1991 introduced by the govt of India
Congress govt. announced new industrial policy in July 24, 1991. The main aims or objective of the industrial policy are mentioned below-
(i) Abolition of industrial licensing: The new policy has abolished the system of industrial licensing for all industrial undertaking, except for a short list of industries related to security and strategic concerns, social reasons etc. There are only eighteen (18) types of industries for which licensing is compulsory.
(ii) Policy
regarding public sector: The new policy restructure the public sector
industries. The new Industrial policy has reduce the list of industries under public
sector to fight as against the seventeen
(17) industries reserved earlier as per 1956 policy.
(iii) MRIR
limit: As per MRIR Act, any firm with assets over a certain size (Rs. 100
crores since 1985) was classified as MRIR firms and such firm was allowed to
start only selected industries on as case by case approval. The new policy
abolished the MRIR limits. Here importance is given on unfair trade practices.
Foreign investment and technology: The new industrial policy prepared a
specified list of high technology and high investment priarity industries. In
which automatic permission will be available for direct foreign investment upto
61% foreign equity.
Location Policy Liberalised: The new policy mentioned that in location other
than cities of more than one million population, no industrial approvals from
the centre will be required except for industries, subject to compulsory
licensing. In cities with more than one million population, industries other
than those of non polluting in nature will be located outside 25 Km. In the new
policy declaration was that will be no need on industrial approval from the
centre except big cities and having more one million people.
Abolition of phased of manufacturing programmes: The policy has totally
abolished this programme as the govt. feels due to reforms of trade policy and
devaluation of rupee there is no need to enforce.
Removing of mandatory: From the very beginning a large part of industrial
investment was financed who have followed a mandatory convertibility clause in
their lending operations for new industrial project. But the new industrial
policy removed this system and hence forth financial institutions will not
impose the mandatory convertibility clause.
Merits of New Industrial Policy 1991
important advantage of the new industrial policy are mentioned below-
(i) The new
policy liberalises the industrial sector from unnecessary control and
(ii) The
new policy accelerates industrial growth.
(iii) The
new policy accelerates industrial production.
(iv) The
new policy provides an opportunities to the domestic industries to capture the
world market.
Demerits New Industrial Policy 1991
(i) The new policy opened huge opportunities for the development and expansion of capital based industries. It neglects the development of the small scale industries.
(ii) The
new policy created a market for rich section.
Liberalization of foreign investment upto 51% created the market for the
foreign compries and multinational corporation.
(iv) The
new policy encouraged the policy of privatization in the industrial sectors.
(v) One important aspect of the economy which has been neglected in the NIP (New Industrial Policy) is that of generation of employment to match with the increase in the labour force.
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