How to prevent global warming essay? | The effect of global warming on our planet

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What is global warming?

Global warming is the phenomena of an increased temperature or warming of the upper layers of the atmosphere and the earth’s surface due to an increase in the energy from the sun. Rising temperatures cause the melting of snow and ice from glaciers and ice caps in the Northern Hemisphere and the expansion of these glaciers in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sea level rises cause the risk of coastal flooding and erosion and in the case of ocean acidification, causes a reduction of the pH of the ocean water. There are already numerous health impacts on humans as a result of the warming climate. The melting glaciers can also lead to an increase in water pollution and more dust in the air, which could pose a risk to our lungs.

Suggest measures to control Global warming and Climate Change

International measures to control global warming problem and climate change

In order to control climate change problem following measures are taken by the different countries of the world.

(i) World Summit on sustainable development, 2002, Johannesburg. In this conference different countries discuss on the issue of sustainable development.

(ii) Stockholm, UN conference on human environment, 1972. In this conference member countries discussed about the growing crisis of quality environment for sustainable development.

(iii) World Commission on environment and development , 1987 (Brandt land report) here a collective measures adopted to check the urge of harmful chemicals on the environment.

(iv) UN conference on environment and development 1992. It is also called Earth Summit, Rio-De-Janeiro. In this conference several measure has been discussed regarding global warming.

(v) General assembling special session on environment, 1997 New York. In this session develop and under develop countries discussed about the climate change issue.

How to prevent global warming essay

National measures to control global warming or climate change

(i) The government of India adopt different legal measures to protect environmental asset. As for example- forest conservation Act, 1980.

(ii) The govt. Stablished different protected areas for the conservation of valuable forest resources. As for example- Kaziranga National Park.

(iii) The govt. of India introduced different programmes for the conservation of endangered species. As for example- Lion project in 1972, Tiger project 1973, etc.

(iv) The government introduced environment and nature study in different universities.

(v) The govt. reformulated industrial policy and urbanisation process to minimize the green house gasses.

(vi) The government introduce different programmes to save rivers from huge pollution.

The effect of global warming on our planet

The effects of global warming on our planet Hypothesis I want to make two predictions about global warming. First, the global warming causes the increase in global temperature, second, the increase in temperature will harm some natural species in the planet. 

The effect of global warming on the occurrence of plants will be positive and negative. Method Using data from two different weather stations in USA (Lincoln, NE) I calculated the variation of temperature since 1972. The data collected was centered around temperature months of May to August. 

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I used the data from the first station (Lincoln) as reference. All the variables of temperature before 1972 was taken from the data of the second station (Omaha). The series of temperature data in both weather stations were smoothed by 50.

What are the causes of global warming

Understand of Carbon dioxide Have a glance at its effects Future effects and aftermath Why are we doing the Global warming debate, How can we stop global warming? Please take a look at this chart, which shows us the paths of change the graph says that if we don't have much change then we'll be okay.

But the second graph is extremely alarming, as the change is so extreme, What do we do now? Listen I'm here to answer all of your questions and I know that I'm going to make a lot of my own Like what?

How to prevent global warming

Wine is the most popular alcoholic drink in the world and has played an important part in the development of societies all over the world. Wine was first used as a ritual offering, almost 2,500 years ago in the holy Greek island of Delos.

Over centuries, wine-making spread to every corner of the world. It was a form of trade and is often associated with royalty and culture. Among the world's earliest known civilizations, the Greeks were big wine drinkers and are known for the invention of the mythological god Dionysus, who was also the god of wine.

A couple of centuries before Christ, The Greeks were drinking an average of 3.1 liters of wine per year and according to researchers it could be the reason why wine drinking was such an important part of human culture in the first place.


So friends, this was 'How to prevent global warming essay?'. Hope you get the full details about it and hope you like this article.

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If you have any doubt about this article, you can comment us. So the conclusion is very simple It is very easy to prevent global warming You just need to plant trees and many many other things.

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